Why Should One Think About Pursuing Dental Education?

 Dental Education

Why Should One Think About Pursuing Dental Education?

Have you ever thought about a world without dentists? Toothaches, gum disease, and missing teeth would be common, and the simple joy of smiling could be lost for many. That’s why Dental health education is essential for our overall well-being, making dental professionals an important part of our lives.

If you’re considering a career path that offers the chance to make a significant contribution to the lives of people, then pursuing dental education might be the perfect choice for you.

In this blog, you will learn about the importance of dental education and the dental courses that you can pursue to take your first step into this path. Read below to know more about it.

Why Does Dental Health Education Matter?

Did you know that poor oral health can lead to severe health issues like heart disease and diabetes? Our mouths are doors to enter our bodies, and maintaining oral hygiene is crucial for overall well-being.

Unfortunately, many people do not prioritize their oral health until and unless there are severe problems. When tooth decay or pain occurs, you just need the correct information. But you cannot visit your regular doctor to help you with that. You need dental professionals to deal with mouth and teeth problems. Dentists play a significant role in this by preventing and treating oral diseases, ensuring that their patients enjoy a better quality smile.

Role of Dentists in our Society

The role of dentists is not just limited to just cleaning teeth. It is much more than that. They help restore smiles to give their patients the best possible smile, relieve pain, and boost the self-confidence of their patients. In most of the communities, especially underserved areas, dentists are often the first line of defense against oral health.

Some of the common duties of dentists include carrying out examinations of the hard and soft tissues of the mouth and diagnosing dental diseases to prevent them earlier.

After completing your dental degree courses, you can become general dental practitioners and may work for privately owned corporate and small businesses, or may have your own practice. Specialist positions are normally available in dental hospitals and some dentists also hold teaching posts at dental university hospitals.

If you want to be a dentist, then you must understand what your role would be and which dental courses after 12th you can opt to make a successful career in this field.

Career Prospects and Stability

The career prospects for dentists are excellent and there is a wide scope for diversification in this rewarding field. Dentistry is a well-respected and fruitful profession.

As per recent data, dentists enjoy a high earning potential, which provides financial stability and the ability to invest in their future. Additionally, the field offers numerous opportunities for various specializations such as:

We at Mansarovar Dental College offer both undergraduate and postgraduate dental courses . At our college, students are trained to be dentists with proper education on the importance of ethics in dentistry .

  • Orthodontics
  • Pediatric Dentistry
  • Periodontics
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Endodontics
  • < mansarovardentalcollege

    The graph above represents the various specializations offered in dental courses. Apart from community service, a dentist can also become a professor or lecturer at any private or government dental school.

    Also Read : Is an BDS Degree the Right Path for Your Dental Career?

    Educational Pathway to become a Dentist

    Now that you have understood the importance of dental education and professionals in this field, it is up to you whether you really want to be a dentist.

    To become a dentist, you typically need to complete an undergraduate degree followed by a dental program.

    At Mansarovar Dental College, provides a wide range of dental topics from anatomy to clinical dentistry in their BDS courses subjects that you can pursue after 12th.

    Courses BDS MDS
    Eligibility To pursue any dental courses after the 12th at Mansarovar Dental College, you just need to meet the following eligibility criteria:
  • A Candidate must have completed 17 years of age or will be completed during the year of admission.
  • He/She should have completed 10+2 level with Physics, Chemistry, and Biology as their main subjects and should have scored at least 50% aggregate marks.
  • Also, he/she must have appeared for the national level entrance examination such as NEET.
  • To pursue a master’s of dental surgery, at Mansarovar Dental College, you must meet the following eligibility criteria:
  • A Candidate must have completed their Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) from a well-recognized university.
  • He/she must have scored at least 50% aggregate marks in their graduation.
  • Duration 5 YEARS 3 YEARS
    Admission Admission will be based on the score in the qualifying examination or as per government guidelines. Admission will be based on the score in the qualifying examination or as per government guidelines
    Total seats 100 11
    Course subjects In BDS course subjects taught are:

    General human anatomy, human physiology, oral histology, oral pathology and microbiology, general medicine, General dental pharmacology, public health dentistry, and many more.
    MDS course subjects include masters programs in various specializations including orthodontics, periodontics, prosthodontics, endodontics and conservative dentistry.

    After completing your graduate degree, you can go for a master's as well or you can pass a licensing exam to practice. While the path is demanding, the rewards are worth the effort.

    Challenges and Considerations

    Pursuing dental education is not without its challenges. There are several challenges that you need to keep in mind before considering any dental courses. Some of them are mentioned below:

  • High Educational Costs:Significant course fees and high costs for materials.
  • Intensive Study and Time Commitment: High-demanding coursework and curriculum with extensive practical training.
  • Competitive Admission Process:Requires excellent academic records and success in entrance exams.
  • Physical and Mental Stress:Physical strain and the mental responsibility of patient care.
  • Licensing and Continuing Education: Must pass a licensing examination to practice and pursue ongoing education
  • Patients Expectations and Communication: Crucial personal skills to handle patient fears and expectations.
  • Also Read : Dentistry Degree: A Step-By-Step Guide

    Final Words

    In conclusion, pursuing dental education offers a rewarding and fruitful career path filled with ample opportunities to positively impact people’s lives through oral health. From fostering strong patient relationships to constantly evolving in this dynamic field, the journey of dental education provides individuals with both clinical expertise and a commitment to lifelong learning.


    1. What are dental advantage courses?

    Dental courses offer stable careers and stability with high-income potential. Additionally, dentists enjoy autonomy in private practice and contribute positively to the community.

    2. Why do you want to join BDS?

    I want to join BDS because I’m passionate about helping people and oral health. I aspire to make a positive impact by providing beautiful smiles to my patients, promoting, and contributing to people’s oral hygiene and overall well-being.

    3. What are your strength as a dentist?

    As a dental professional, my strengths include empathy with patients, compassion about patient care, and strong communication skills.

    4. How can I be a successful dentist?

    To become a successful dentist, it is crucial to prioritize both clinical excellence and patient-centered care. Improve your relationships with patients by actively listening to their concerns, providing clear explanations, and embracing innovation.

